Dot Matrix Printer Head Test Software
Dot Matrix Printer Head Test Software

Dot Matrix Printer Head Test Software

These jams are often caused by a small piece of paper lodged beneath the rollers or beneath the tractor feed.

  • In my experience, the mystery paper jam, a jam with no obvious cause, is by far the most common dot matrix problem.
  • Clean & Lubricate Print-head – Prevents Printhead failure.
  • Clean and Lubricate Mechanism – Prevents Motor failure.
  • (next two are a little repetitive but have some extra info)
  • Move the carriage assembly to distribute the oil.
  • Apply a light coating of oil to the rails.
  • Apply light oil to the gears using a foam swab.
  • Clean the gear train of the paper-handling motor.
  • Dot Matrix Printer Head Test Software Dot Matrix Printer Head Test Software

    Clean the surface of the ink-jet print head.Check the tension on the print-head-positioning belt.This commonly used printer contain 9 print wires in each column.įor the dot matrix printer you need to clean the internal parts of this unit and you must put a lubricant on the moving parts of this machine, normally on the shaft where the print-head assembly is attached. Serial Dot Matrix Printer – is a type of Dot Matrix Printer in which the printhead moves in the horizontal direction, the printhead controller sends electrical signals which forces the appropriate wires to strike against the inked ribbon, making dots on the paper and forming the desired characteristic.So each hammer may print a series of horizontal dots for one pass of the shuttle, then the paper advances at one step and the shuttle prints the following row of dots. Line Dot Matrix Printer – is a type of dot matrix printer in which the print shuttle vibrates in the horizontal direction with high speed while the print hammers are fired selectively.There are two type of dot matrix printers. The end product is all the dots lining up to create letters and other characters. This process is then repeated in patterns. General Dot Matrix printer– A Dot Matrix Printer operates by a electromagnet keeping pins in place until a charge is made to a coil wrapped around a print wire, eliminating the magnetization momentarily, allowing the pin to spring forward placing a dot on the paper.

    Dot Matrix Printer Head Test Software